Navigo Energy Inc. v. Andreas Meier and BV
Claim Number: FA0310000206312
Complainant is Navigo Energy Inc. (“Complainant”)
represented by Robert Low, 1400, 350-7th Avenue S.W., Calgary,
AB, T2P 3N9 Canada. Respondent is Andreas
Meier and BV, Kingsfordweg 151, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1043 GR (“Respondent”).
domain name at issue is <> registered with Enom,
undersigned certifies that he or she has acted independently and impartially
and to the best of his or her knowledge has no known conflict in serving as
Panelist in this proceeding.
A. Crary as Panelist.
submitted a Complaint to the National Arbitration Forum (the "Forum")
electronically on October 28, 2003; the Forum received a hard copy of the
Complaint on October 28, 2003.
October 28, 2003, Enom, Inc. confirmed by e-mail to the Forum that the domain
name <> is registered with Enom, Inc. and that
Respondent is the current registrant of the name. Enom, Inc. has verified that
Respondent is bound by the Enom, Inc. registration agreement and has thereby
agreed to resolve domain-name disputes brought by third parties in accordance
with ICANN's Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the
October 30, 2003, a Notification of Complaint and Commencement of
Administrative Proceeding (the "Commencement Notification"), setting
a deadline of November 19, 2003 by which Respondent could file a Response to
the Complaint, was transmitted to Respondent via e-mail, post and fax, to all
entities and persons listed on Respondent's registration as technical,
administrative and billing contacts, and to by e-mail.
received no Response from Respondent, using the same contact details and
methods as were used for the Commencement Notification, the Forum transmitted
to the parties a Notification of Respondent Default.
November 25, 2003 pursuant to Complainant's request to have the dispute decided
by a single-member Panel, the Forum appointed James A. Crary as Panelist.
reviewed the communications records, the Administrative Panel (the
"Panel") finds that the Forum has discharged its responsibility under
Paragraph 2(a) of the Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
(the "Rules") "to employ reasonably available means calculated
to achieve actual notice to Respondent."
Therefore, the Panel may issue its decision based on the documents
submitted and in accordance with the ICANN Policy, ICANN Rules, the Forum's
Supplemental Rules and any rules and principles of law that the Panel deems
applicable, without the benefit of any Response from Respondent.
requests that the domain name be transferred from Respondent to Complainant.
A. Complainant makes the following assertions:
1. Respondent’s <>
domain name is identical to Complainant’s VENTUS ENERGY mark.
2. Respondent does not have any rights or
legitimate interests in the <> domain name.
3. Respondent registered and used the <>
domain name in bad faith.
B. Respondent failed to submit a Response in
this proceeding.
Complainant is a
company incorporated under the laws of Alberta, Canada and is publicly traded
on the Toronto Stock Exchange. On May 24, 2002, Complainant changed its
corporate name from Ventus Energy Inc. to Navigo Energy Inc.
registered the <> domain name on December 18,
2002. Respondent is using the disputed domain name to divert Internet users to
a website that purportedly provides pornographic material.
Paragraph 15(a)
of the Rules instructs this Panel to "decide a complaint on the basis of
the statements and documents submitted in accordance with the Policy, these
Rules and any rules and principles of law that it deems applicable."
In view of
Respondent's failure to submit a Response, the Panel shall decide this
administrative proceeding on the basis of Complainant's undisputed
representations pursuant to paragraphs 5(e), 14(a) and 15(a) of the Rules and
draw such inferences it considers appropriate pursuant to paragraph 14(b) of
the Rules.
Paragraph 4(a)
of the Policy requires that Complainant must prove each of the following three
elements to obtain an order that a domain name should be cancelled or
(1) the domain name registered by Respondent
is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which
Complainant has rights; and
(2) Respondent has no rights or legitimate
interests in respect of the domain name; and
(3) the domain name has been registered and
is being used in bad faith.
Complainant changed its corporate name
from Ventus Energy Inc. to Navigo Energy Inc. on May 24, 2002. Complainant
proclaims that it used the Ventus Energy Inc. name as a common law trademark in
connection with its goods and services provided to the oil and gas industry.
However, Complainant has produced no evidence to establish any use of the
Ventus Energy name in connection with any goods or services. While a trade name
can function as a trademark or service mark based on the context of its use,
there is no evidence of such use here. The Policy was intended solely to
protect registered and unregistered trademarks and not trade names because
trade names are not universally protected as are trademarks. Therefore, without
any evidence of secondary meaning associated with Complainant’s former name, the
Panel finds that its use of Ventus Energy as a trade name does not establish
rights pursuant to Policy ¶ 4(a)(i). See Front Range Internet, Inc. v. Murphy a/k/a This Domain For Sale, FA
145231 (Nat. Arb. Forum Apr. 4, 2003) (finding that Complainant’s use of a
trade name, without any showing of secondary meaning associated with the name,
was an insufficient demonstration that Complainant “had rights” under the
Policy); see also Powrachute Inc. v. Buckeye Indus., AF-0076
(e-Resolution, May 30, 2000) (dismissing a Complaint where Complainant failed
to contend, provide evidence, or give arguments to the effect that it had
either a registered trademark or service mark in POWRACHUTE or any similar
name, or that it had a common law trademark in the name. The only evidence
provided, that it was incorporated under the name, is insufficient to create a
Complainant’s bald assertion of acquiring a considerable amount of goodwill in
its former name is not sufficient to establish any secondary meaning associated
with the Ventus Energy Inc. name. The Complaint’s lack of any evidentiary
support for its establishment of the trade name as a mark requires the Panel to
find that Complainant has failed to establish that Ventus Energy is a mark in
which Complainant has rights under Policy ¶ 4(a)(i). See Molecular
Nutrition, Inc. v. Network News and Publ’ns. c/o Baratta, FA 156715 (Nat.
Arb. Forum June 24, 2003) (approving of and applying the principles outlined in
prior decisions that recognized “common law” trademark rights as appropriate
for protection under the Policy “if the complainant can establish that it has
done business using the name in question in a sufficient manner to cause a
secondary meaning identifiable to Complainant's goods or services”); see
also LLA v. US Tours
& Travel, Inc., AF-0284 (eResolution Sept. 9, 2000) (finding that marks classified as
descriptive cannot be protected unless secondary meaning is proven and to
establish secondary meaning Complainant must show that the public identifies
the source of the product rather than the product itself).
Accordingly, the
Panel finds that Complainant has failed to establish Policy ¶ 4(a)(i).
Based on this
finding, the Panel declines to inquire into the remaining elements of the
Policy because Complainant has failed to establish the first element. See
Creative Curb v. Edgetec Int’l Pty. Ltd., FA 116765 (Nat. Arb. Forum Sept.
20, 2002) (finding that because Complainant must prove all three elements under
the Policy, Complainant’s failure to prove one of the elements makes further
inquiry into the remaining elements unnecessary); see also VeriSign Inc. v. VeneSign C.A.,
D2000-0303 (WIPO June 28, 2000) (finding that Respondent’s default does not
automatically lead to a ruling for Complainant).
Having failed to
establish all three elements required under the ICANN Policy, the Panel
concludes that relief shall be DENIED.
Accordingly, it
is Ordered that the <> domain name REMAIN
with Respondent.
James A. Crary, Panelist
December 6, 2003
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