National Arbitration Forum




Amanda De Wolf (formerly Moon) and the Estate of Keith Moon v. Dennis Schimka

Claim Number: FA0608000780199



Complainant is Amanda De Wolf (formerly Moon) and the Estate of Keith Moon (“Complainant”), represented by Stephen J. Strauss, of Fulwider Patton LLP, 6060 Center Drive, Tenth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90045.  Respondent is Dennis Schimka (“Respondent”), 1440 Everview Rd., San Diego, CA 92110.




The domain names at issue are <> and <>, registered with, Inc.



The undersigned certifies that he or she has acted independently and impartially and to the best of his or her knowledge has no known conflict in serving as Panelist in this proceeding.


R. Glen Ayers, Jr. served as Panelist.



Complainant submitted a Complaint to the National Arbitration Forum electronically on August 17, 2006; the National Arbitration Forum received a hard copy of the Complaint on August 18, 2006.


On August 17, 2006,, Inc. confirmed by e-mail to the National Arbitration Forum that the <> and <> domain names are registered with, Inc. and that the Respondent is the current registrant of the names., Inc. has verified that Respondent is bound by the, Inc. registration agreement and has thereby agreed to resolve domain-name disputes brought by third parties in accordance with ICANN’s Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the “Policy”).


On August 29, 2006, a Notification of Complaint and Commencement of Administrative Proceeding (the “Commencement Notification”), setting a deadline of September 18, 2006 by which Respondent could file a Response to the Complaint, was transmitted to Respondent via e-mail, post and fax, to all entities and persons listed on Respondent’s registration as technical, administrative and billing contacts, and to and by e-mail.


A hard copy of the Response was received on September 19, 2006.  However, the National Arbitration Forum did not receive an electronic copy of the Response.  Thus, the National Arbitration Forum does not consider this Response to be in compliance with ICANN Rule #5 (a). 


On September 22, 2006, pursuant to Complainant’s request to have the dispute decided by a single-member Panel, the National Arbitration Forum appointed R. Glen Ayers, Jr. as Panelist.



Complainant requests that the domain names be transferred from Respondent to Complainant.



A. Complainant

Complainant asserts and provides evidence of her ownership (or the Estate’s ownership) of a trademark for her father’s name of Keith Moon.  Mr. Moon was the drummer for The Who until his untimely death.  Complainant alleges that Respondent has no rights in the name and has made no use of the name since registration of Keith Moon’s name as a domain name. 


Complainant asserts bad faith, particularly since Respondent seems to have made no use of the domain name since registration and appears to merely be “squatting” on the name. 


B. Respondent

            Respondent has, without admitting liability, filed a response in which he simply states that he consents to the transfer of the domain name to Complainant and/or the estate. 




While Complainant has established a prima facie case of bad faith, Respondent has consented to the transfer of the domain name.



Paragraph 15(a) of the Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the “Rules”) instructs this Panel to “decide a complaint on the basis of the statements and documents submitted in accordance with the Policy, these Rules and any rules and principles of law that it deems applicable.”


Paragraph 4(a) of the Policy requires that the Complainant must prove each of the following three elements to obtain an order that a domain name should be cancelled or transferred:


(1)   the domain name registered by the Respondent is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark or service mark in which the Complainant has rights;

(2)   the Respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the domain name; and

(3)   the domain name has been registered and is being used in bad faith.


Identical and/or Confusingly Similar


Obviously the trademark and Mr. Moon’s name are identical to the domain names. 


Rights or Legitimate Interests


Again, as to rights in the name, that allegation is clearly set out. 


Registration and Use in Bad Faith


As to bad faith, while Complainant has established a prima facie case of bad faith, Respondent has never used the domain name. 


Respondent has stipulated that neither bad faith nor either of the other two elements needs to be proved, because he consents to the transfer of the domain name.



Having established all three elements required under the ICANN Policy, and having considered Respondent’s Response, the Panel concludes that relief shall be GRANTED.


Accordingly, it is Ordered that the <> and <> domain names be TRANSFERRED from Respondent to Complainant.






                                                                        R. GLEN AYERS, JR.


                                                                        Dated:  October 4, 2006





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